We Specialize in Student Debt Collection Services for colleges and universities
Since 1981 we’ve recovered millions of dollars for the federal government, individual schools, and private student loan providers.
We understand the unique needs of higher education institutions and of the students you serve. We will help your students repay their debts and complete their education.
Specialty services for college and university debt Collections:

Campus-based Student Loan Servicing

Delinquent Accounts Receivable Recovery

Student Loan Default Prevention
Here’s how we specialize in collecting higher education student accounts:
- We communicate with students the way they communicate: through text messaging, emails, chats, telephone calls, and postal mail
- Messaging that encourages students to return to school to complete their education and touts the benefits of a higher education degree or certificate
- Compliance with FERPA – the Family Educational Rights Privacy Act
- Advanced financial literacy tools and programs partnering with GetWisEdu.org our sister company that also provides default prevention and in-school student debt communication services
- Advanced skip tracing techniques to locate new contact information for students
- Credit bureau reporting
- Competitive collection rates
- Licensed and bonded
- Simple onboarding process
- Proven recovery strategies
Don’t take our word for it, see what our customers are saying: customer reviews
If you are currently contracted with another collection agency but unhappy with the results, move the non-preforming accounts to 180 Resolutions to let show you how we can turn-around your overdue student receivables.