Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some answers to question you may have. Contact us for additional information.

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Once you have exhausted all internal efforts to collect an account, an outside debt collector is the logical next step. Some consumers will pay a 3rd-party even though they neglected to pay you (in the industry, we call this “the turnover effect”.) Sometimes a consumer simply wasn’t paying attention to their debts or didn’t believe you when you warned of further action. Many consumers will pay the 3rd party debt collector to avoid further damage to their credit or avoid possible legal action.

180 Resolutions specializes in educational organizations debt collections. We previously serviced healthcare debt but have since partnered with Collection Resources Inc. to handle all medical and healthcare organizations debt collections.

Disputing the validity of a debt is a right granted to your customers under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (referred to as the ‘FDCPA’.) If a customer disputes the debt, we must provide them with documentation proving it. We may need you to provide us with this documentation. If the customer refuses to pay and we cannot motivate them otherwise, we will consider recommending legal action. If legal action is not advisable (or if you decide you do not want to pursue legal action), we will return the account to you.

The process of finding new addresses or telephone numbers is called ‘Skip Tracing’ and it is a fundamental part of debt collection. If we discover an address or telephone number is incorrect, we immediately turn on our skip tracing program. Our process is highly automated and we use the latest tools, including all effective online databases, Credit Bureaus, and some proprietary tools. On accounts of a certain type and size, we also use social media searches. We perform skip tracing as part of our service to you and it is included in our collection fee. Learn more about our Services

The age of the debt does not matter, as long as it is within your state’s Statute of Limitations on the enforcement of a debt, we will attempt to collect it. As an account ages, we change tactics, not fees. We charge the same contingency fee regardless of age or placement. We get paid only when we collect on the account.

180 Resolutions is a program of the New Mexico Educational Assistance Foundation (NMEAF). NMEAF has performed debt collection and recovery on student loans since 1981. Learn more About Us

Our collection fee is contingent on our success and will depend on the type and volume of accounts you place with us. During our introductory meeting, we will gather information about you and give you a collection rate quote. Typically, our collection rate is in the range of 25-30% of the amount collected. If we recommend legal action, and you agree, our collection rate will be higher and you may incur additional expenses for litigation costs. Learn more about our Pricing

Contact our Sales Account Executive, Katharine Parker at 602.526.9056 or
Our experienced team will customize a debt collection solution for you and answer all questions about the process. Onboarding new clients typically takes 30-45 days before collection activities begin.